You already know how strong those little legs are from the kicking you felt in the womb. It is important to continue providing opportunities to strengthen the leg and stomach muscles to prepare for the next skill of rolling over.
Gross Motor Skill Development, Cognitive Skill Development, Baby Brain Development
The goals of this activity: strengthen leg muscles and encourage kicking, have positive, language-rich interactions with an adult
Materials: tissue paper used for gift wrapping, baby blanket
Create a “tissue paper wall” by hanging purchased or recycled tissue paper from couch cushions down to the floor. Gently place baby on his back on a play mat or changing pad on the floor. Place the baby with his or her feet touching the hung tissue paper with their knees slightly bent. Allow your little one time to kick his or her legs and create sounds by kicking the tissue paper. Closely supervise. Never leave your baby unattended.
Talk with your little one as he or she plays. Narrate what they are doing as they tap into a variety of senses while strengthening their gross motor skills, cognitive skills, and language skills.
Something so simple can create an awesome baby brain development activity.