Our Why…

Welcome to ReadSignandSay.com!

ReadSignandSay.com exists because there is compelling scientific research into the development of the human brain proving that proper growth and baby brain development in the earliest years of life was the factor most affecting our children’s achievement in their health, education, and success later in life.

ReadSignandSay.com desires to help all children prepare for Kindergarten by equipping families and caregivers with information and resources to enhance baby brain development beginning at birth, with a large focus on READING, SIGNING and SPEAKING. Hence the name, Read, Sign & Say.

This website is devoted to helping parents and caregivers across the U.S. and even around the world be equipped to be their baby’s FIRST TEACHER.

Yes! You are your child’s FIRST and most important teacher!

Don’t know where to start? Try our digital course. The Secrets to a Smarter Baby.

Want to learn about our Read, Sign and Say Parent Curriculum? Click here.

Would you like free information about baby sign language? Click here to join the email list get a free Quick Start Guide to Baby Sign Language eBook from Read, Sign and Say!

Need to contact us? Click here.

The ultimate vision of ReadSignandSay.com is that all parents have the knowledge and resources to guide their children, starting at birth and have the opportunity to be fully ready for KINDERGARTEN!

This site was created by a certified Early Childhood Educator with a Masters In Curriculum & Instruction and a Specialists in Education Leadership with twenty years of combined experience in teaching and leading Pre-Kindergarten and K-8 public education programs.