Learning begins at birth, long before entering school.
Reading to your baby…
Teaching sign language to your baby…
Talking and singing with your baby…
All of this WILL MAKE A HUGE IMPACT on your child’s ability to enter Kindergarten ready to learn!

You must know, God did not finish your baby’s brain at birth. There is a critical time period between birth and three that the brain is undergoing constant transformation. It is up to you to maximize your child’s mental skills and enhance their brain development.
Genetics is not the only contributing factor in the making of a brain.
Science tells us that great brains are MADE not born. Wow!
You are your baby’s first teacher.
So much of your child’s brain development is under your control.
That sounds scary.
I am here to help you.
To learn more about growing your baby’s brain, download my free guide, Infant Brain Development Tips.