Baby sign language refers to the act of communicating with babies using a modest number of symbolic gestures.
Parents talk to their babies in the usual way by speaking words. However, they also make use of hand gestures. For instance, a mother might ask, “Do you want something to eat?” while making the sign for “eat.”

Baby Sign Language involves pairing sign language vocabulary with spoken words to facilitate early communication with preverbal, hearing babies.
Why teach sign language to a baby that can hear just fine?
There is a critical time period between birth and three years of age when brain development is rapidly occurring providing the optimal time to provide a “brain-building” environment that will benefit the baby for life. A child’s brain undergoes an amazing period of development from birth to three—producing more than a million neural connections each second.
80% of brain growth happens by age 3.
The early years, especially the first three years of life, are very important for building the baby’s brain. Everything she or he sees, touches, tastes, smells, or hears helps to shape the brain for thinking, feeling, moving, and learning.
The more stimulation and interaction the brain receives, the smarter he or she will become. Signing with your baby provides that optimal stimulation!
Would you like to learn more about Baby Sign Language?
Click here to request a FREE Quick Start Guide to Baby Sign Language.
Happy Signing!